Charlemont Lions Club
Website - Lions Club
People Just Like You -
Serving the Communities of Charlemont, Hawley, Heath, and Rowe, And the rest of the World.
The Charlemont Lions Club is one of over 44,560 clubs that are the International Association of Lions Clubs. There are nearly 1.4 million Lions worldwide, making it the largest service organization in the world. We received our charter in 1947, so we have been around for over 50 years.
Our club has been recognized as the Best Small Lions Club in the District numerous times in the past and two years ago as the Best Small Lions Club in the State.
Our local focus is on the communities of Charlemont, Hawley, Heath and Rowe. We also support activities in other areas of the state, as well as the International Association's disaster and relief fund, Lions Club International Foundation. The listing on the next pages shows just how broad our reach is at helping others.
The members of the Charlemont Lions Club are men and women from the community, joined together to help others. We receive no monetary compensation for our work, only the satisfaction we get from helping others. Perhaps you have what it takes to be a Lion?
The money to make these donations comes from fundraisers we hold throughout the year. We receive no grants or other government support.
Some past recipients of donations:
- American Cancer Society
- Babe Ruth Youth Baseball
- Charlemont Ambulance Association
- Charlemont Federated Church
- Charlemont Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts
- Charlemont Memorial Day Parade
- Charlemont & Hawley Seniors
- College Scholarship
- Doc Charles E. Streeter Citizenship Award
- Eyeglasses
- Fire Victims
- Firemen's Associations of
- Charlemont, Hawley, Heath & Rowe
- FCAC Youth Programs
- Friends of the Charlemont Fairgrounds
- Good Neighbors
- Hawlemont Baseball League
- Hawlemont Regional School
- Heath Agricultural Society
- Heath Elementary School
- Heath School Community Partnership
- Hilltown Churches Food Pantry
- Lazarus Organ Donor Program
- Lions Clubs International Foundation
- Lions All-State Band
- Lions Emergency Sight & Hearing Fund
- Lions Orthoptic Clinic
- Lions Youth Speech Contest
- Mary Lyons Fund
- Mass Lions Eye Research Fund Mohawk Trail Regional High School NELCWIT
- Pop Warner Football
- Radio Reading Service - gw Recording for the Blind
- Rowe Elementary School
- Sons & Daughters of Hawley
- Susan Komen Breast Cancer
- Foundation
- Tyler Memorial Library
- Warm the Children
- Western Mass Food Bank
Information provided by Kim Blanchard
Lions Logo property of The International Association of Lions Clubs